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World Youth Day 2013 – was held in Rio de Janeiro – being one of the Worlds biggest International events – receiving more than 2 million people per day. Young pilgrims from all around the world came to celebrate their faith and connect with others.

Each Pilgrim who participated in the Event received a kit which included a backpack, water bottle, cards and a cap.

FSR produções™ was contracted to provide a team of Producers to organise and manage the logistics for the distribution of over 400,000 kits across centers specially set up during the event.

Muito obrigada pela atenção e cuidado.

Um abraço da
Claudia Toni

I worked with Fernanda for a couple of months negotiating costs, usage, licensing and talent with the local Favela Morro da Mineira. Our production would not have been possible without Fernanda, she was instrumental in capturing beautiful within a very tight time frame and limited budget. I was very greatful for her hands on approach and experieced capabilities. We were very pleased with Fernanda and FSR as a whole and would certainly recommend them to any international group needing production help in Brazil and the rest of South America."

Rosana Lawson
Integrated Producer